Bellamoon participates in the construction of makeshift hospitals Mar 21

Bellamoon participates in the construction of makeshift hospitals

On the afternoon of March 18th, Bellamoon Medical Co., Ltd. received the task of ensuring the supply of materials for the Quanzhou Huoweishan Fangcang shelter hospital. The company's production department worked overtime overnight to produce the materials and equipment required by the hospital.(Standard Hospital Beds, Nursing Trolley equipment, etc., a total of 1000 sets)

Hospital nursing equipment

The Quanzhou Fangcai Hospital accommodates a total of 1,000 ordinary beds for receiving COVID-19 and omicron infected patients.The project is constructed in accordance with the construction standards for makeshift hospitals formulated by the state, with complete functional facilities, including hospital beds, nursing carts, bedside tables, and trash cans.

Hospital equipment

On March 20, Quanzhou Fangcai Hospital announced that it will be put into use soon. Among them, there are not only the production speed of Bellamoon Medical Co., Ltd., but also many people who embody "China's speed" with their sweat, courage, dedication and responsibility.

Standard Hospital Beds

Anti-epidemic is a race against the virus, winning precious time will usher in the dawn as soon as possible. I believe that the efforts of countless Chinese people will make the living space of the virus smaller and smaller, and we will surely usher in the spring flowers in the near future.

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